Jay Zambito
Associate Professor of Geology, Beloit College
Jay’s research focuses on identifying and characterizing climatically-induced extinction events recorded in the Paleozoic rock record using a combination of paleontology, geochemistry, stratigraphy, sedimentology, and fluid inclusion analysis. His other interests include taphonomy (the process of fossil preservation) and paleontological curation. He has also studied the geochemistry and mineralogy of Cambrian-age frac sand deposits in Wisconsin in order to understand the potential environmental impacts of sand mining.
Lia Dirks
Lia is currently the lead student curatorial assistant on the paleontological collection at Beloit College.
Current Status of the Paleontological Collection at Beloit College
Conference Abstracts:
Kelsey Engelke
Kelsey started in the Beloit Paleo Lab as a student curatorial assistant on the paleontological collection at Beloit College. She is currently undertaking her senior thesis as a member of our lab group.
Senior Thesis:
Chronostratigraphy of Late Devonian Sandstones from Southwestern Illinois and East-Central Missouri
Conference Abstracts:
Geneva Helland
Senior Thesis:
Investigating the Utility of Environmental Proxies for TOC and Natural Gamma Radiation in the Devonian Shale of the Illinois basin
Isabel Johnson
Isabel started in the Beloit Paleo Lab as a research assistant on the ACS PRF-funded Appalachian Basin black shale project and completed her senior thesis as part of a Keck Geology Consortium Project.
Senior Thesis:
Characterizing the Ellsworth Formation of the Michigan Basin using Litho- and Chemostratigraphy
Johnson, I. and Zambito, J. (2024) Characterizing the sediment source of the Ellsworth Formation of the Michigan Basin using lithostratigraphy and chemostratigraphy, Keck Geology Consortium Short Contributions, v. 36, 6p., doi: 10.18277/AKRSG.2024.36.18
Conference Abstracts:
2024 NC-SC GSA Springfield, MO
Isabel is currently a master's student at UT-Austin and the Bureau of Economic Geology.
Jack Collier
Jack started in the Beloit Paleo Lab as a research assistant and and went on to complete his senior thesis with us.
Senior Thesis:
Determining the Origin of Paleo-Indian Artifacts from Wisconsin, USA
Gabe DuRussel
Gabe started in the Beloit Paleo Lab as a research assistant and went on to complete his senior thesis with us.
Senior Thesis:
Interpreting Geochemical Proxies in Illinois Basin Devonian Black Shale
Olivia Farbarik
Olivia started in the Beloit Paleo Lab during her first year at Beloit College, and we were fortunate that she continued to work with us throughout her time at Beloit!
Senior Thesis:
Using the A-12 Drill Core (Bullitt County, KY) to Interpret Devonian Carbon Cycle Dynamics
Conference Abstracts:
Emma May
Senior Thesis:
Beloit College La Brea Tar Pit Fossil Collection Taxonomy and Taphonomy: Insights into Predation
Emma currently works in Saguaro National Park in Tucson, AZ on the wildland fire crew.
Daniel Bolin
Senior Thesis:
Litho- and Chemostratigraphic Reconstruction of the New Albany Shale (SDH-273 core, Indianapolis, IN)
Anna Weldon
Senior Thesis:
The Impact of Forest Evolution on the Organic Matter Composition of Illinois Basin Devonian Black Shale
Zambito, J., García Muro, V., Rubinstein, C., and Weldon, A. (2025) Recognition of global carbon cycle perturbations in the Middle-Late Devonian New Albany Shale, south-central Indiana, U.S.A.: deciphering local versus global influences on δ13CTOC patterns, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 659: 112630,
Conference Abstracts:
Anna is currently a master's student at the University of Kansas. Her thesis is focused on using carbon isotope chemostratigraphy to reconstruct Early Cretaceous paleoclimate recorded in the Kootenai Formation of Western Montana.
Laura Hughson
Senior Thesis:
Local and Regional Patterns of Marine Black Shale Organic Matter in the Devonian Appalachian Basin
Conference Abstracts:
Morgan Fries
Senior Thesis:
The Reliability of Outcrops for Organic Geochemical Data: A Case Study Using Devonian Black Shales
Conference Abstracts:
Walker Weyland
Senior Thesis:
Determining the Direction of Early Trilobite Environmental Migration
Walker is currently a doctoral student at Harvard University studying the evolutionary processes of the early Paleozoic. He previously completed a master's degree in the Droser PaleoEcology lab at the University of California, Riverside studying variability across the most mature ecosystems of the Ediacaran Period in the Ediacara Hills of South Australia.
Delaney McCarthy
Senior Thesis:
Devonian Organic Matter Variability within the Appalachian Basin
Conference Abstracts:
Delaney is currently a GIS Technician at Invenergy.
Maddie Holicky
Maddie joined the lab at the beginning of our ACS PRF-funded Appalachian Basin black shale project. She helped develop the methods we used and collected and analyzed some of the initial samples for the project.
Conference Abstracts:
Maddie is a Project Geologist at TRC Companies.
Emily Clinkscales
Emily joined the lab at the beginning of our ACS PRF-funded Appalachian Basin black shale project. She helped develop the methods we used and collected and analyzed some of the initial samples for the project.
Conference Abstracts:
Emily is currently undertaking her MS degree in Geology at the University of Wyoming, studying the geochemistry of CO2-fluid-rock interactions.
Andy Rich
Senior Thesis:
Taphonomy and Biodiversity of Fish Fossils from the Middle Devonian Milwaukee Formation
Rich, A. and Zambito, J. (2022) Insights from fossil fish taphonomy into the depositional environment of the lower Milwaukee Formation (Berthelet Member, latest Middle Devonian), PALAIOS, 37(1):1-15.
Conference Abstracts:
In 2023, Andy earned a MS degree in Paleontology from the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology (SDSMT); his thesis focused on mosasaur taphonomy in the Pierre Shale. He is currently working at the Montana Dinosaur Center.
Zowie Fox
Senior Thesis:
Reconstructing the Cambrian Carbon Cycle Using ~500 million-year-old Phosphatic Brachiopods
Conference Abstracts:
Philippe Rollet
Senior Thesis:
Constraining the Depositional Environment of Triassic Halite from the Röt Basin, Netherlands
Jennifer Pantelios
Senior Thesis:
Implications of Cambrian sandstone phosphorus runoff on eutrophic waters, Dunn County, WI
Jennifer worked as a Gardening Instructor at the nonprofit After School Matters where she developed hands-on apprenticeship programs for teens with a focus on sustainable and ecologically centered gardening activities. She is currently pursuing her passion for education as an Assistant Teacher at a Montessori School.
Christine Shonnard
Senior Thesis:
Evaluating cycles in distal floodplain deposition within the Early Paleogene Hanna Basin, Wyoming, U.S.A.
2019 Shonnard et al., Keck Geology Consortium Short Contributions
Conference Abstracts:
2019 SC-NS-RM GSA Manhattan, KS
After graduating from Beloit College, Christine worked as a Physical Scientist at the EPA. She then spent some time climbing volcanoes in Mexico, and is now working as an outdoor teacher in Chicago.